Friday, July 1, 2011

Unattended Sorrow (excerpts)

I have slowly been reading through the book The Unattended Sorrow- Recovering from Loss and Reviving the Heart, by Stephen Levine. There is a lot of encouragement and advise, so I thought I would start sharing some of what I've highlighted from each chapter.

I have spent so much time searching on-line for advise, coping mechanisms, holistic alternatives to anti-anxiety drugs, advice from women that have lost a loved one, and just about anything else that I thought would help me. After spending countless hours plugging in various words in Google's search engine, I have collected some favorite websites; but still haven't found a blog where anyone is talking about her journey through grief or/and anxiety.

My goal with this blog is to provide you with the information I am able to find as I continue to search and read through articles on healing emotionally and physically from loss and anxiety; as well as share my personal journey.

Here are some of my favorites from The Unattended Sorrow- Chapter 1:

"We close around our pain by refusing it mercy, by resisting the softening and letting go that might give it a little more space to breath."

"When we turn away from our sorrow, we intensify our pain and close off parts of ourselves."

"Investigating our feelings of powerlessness increasingly empowers us..."

Much Love, Meg

1 comment:

  1. If nothing else, God is pleased that you are doing the work. I look forward to hearing what you have learned so you can share it with all of us! Corie weathers
